Friday, March 26, 2010

Sports Day

What did all the people comment about this picture?
Nice ass! LAME

This picture was taken in my school annual sports day, which hold in Stadium Kelana Jaya, PJ.

It was a sunny day, everyone was sweating non-stop... Keep dripping! Neither me^^

NICE ASS... Not again! I was competing, you know? Who was the one running beside me? Mr.Wong Chun Yan~ The one who grabbed my gold medal, T.T!

This year's game was my worst dream ever... Why? It is because I got all 1st........................ runner up for all the events I participated. SAD :(

From another perspective, this was also my the most proud year in my secondary career. Check this out

Yeah! Can you see the one who looked so smart, intelligent, cool... Dressed up like a bat-man without mask! Standing right at the middle of everyone^^ Unanimously, that was me...

Hehe... What will you think of me after finished reading my post? Perasan! "NOT"

What do you think I am doing? Punished by standing under the sun for nothing? Obviously NO! I am a good student... I was ready to lead the people to oath! OK

Kami berikra bahawa kami akan mengambil bahagian...............

Shut up! It's annoying

OK! It's time to prepare lunch!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The End

Bye grandpa! Wish you rest in peace...

Friday, March 5, 2010



就在昨天傍晚我步行回家的路途中,出乎我预料的听见一阵阵小孩边呐喊与哭泣声,“Daddy, 我不敢了,给我进去屋子,对不起。”这句话从小孩的口中传出了好几遍。好凄凉、可怜、同情…… 原来在我家不远的某一家,有位父亲正要把孩子弃到屋外去。这小孩不停地向爸爸求饶,可是着父亲向冷血般的蛇,还是坚决自己的一套,无动于衷!我很想上前去为这小孩求饶,甚至想对着父亲破口大骂,“你是不是冷血的啊?”、“变态狂”……可是力不从心,我呆在那里一会儿,就忍下痛回家去了。好疼啊!

“小朋友,对不起!每帮上你的忙…… 却只能在这里瞎说。”

