Monday, February 27, 2012


今早,在我还沉睡着的当儿,梦见了我老爸!不知为什么?梦醒后便痛哭流泪。我不停地思索原因…… 碰巧?思念?还是我老爸发生了什么事?这问题不停地在我脑中盘旋。我当然希望答案是前两个。我默默地向上帝祷告,说希望我老爸一切平安,千万别发生什么事。在流泪的当儿,我也回想起了许多往事…… 越想流的泪越多!我身在国外,不能很直接地了解我家人的情况,但希望大家都能健康、快乐、平安。

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Once again, see yea!

Without any sense, I have came back to Malaysia for a month. Before that, I was looking forward to reunion with my family, friends, teachers and etc, hope that I can land at KLIA as soon as possible. I did not let anyone of them know I was going back, except my best friend, as well as my personal secretary, Lai. It was a surprise for them! I did it^^
After a month, it's the time to go back, to face the coming challenge. Actually, it's quite stressful studying in Taiwan, but it's where I can receive the best education with my family financial ability. Despite it's very pressure and lonely over there, but I will still keep it up because this is what I should do as I born into this world. It's a mission given naturally.
Honestly, I haven't finish what I wish to do here. A lot, lot, lots... Feel regret that I did not grab the opportunity to do what I wanted to. But I am still very happy with the return. I have met lots of "long time no see" friends. Some of them are not longer available, some are back to available... Before I leave, I wanna tell my friends that I am very happy to hang out with you guys. Even though some of you can't make it, but still, thank you very much. At least you guys try to! And I wanna congratulate ky square. All the best to you guys, and remember to send me invitation card if both of you are stepping into the red carpet! Hahahaha =D
To Y and C: Forgiving others is also forgiving yourself, don't punish yourself by remembering someone's fault. Smile always =) No matter what happen, I am still here to accompany both of you!
Thank you so much to tigers for playing such a wonderful play. It was really close and exciting. Anyway, we made it again! We are the champion!!! Hope that you guys are able to own the coming competition. Make me proud of you guys. Show them how strong the tigers are, take back what it should belongs to us, no MERCY...
Hope that I am able to see you guys next year, see yea!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012



Tuesday, February 7, 2012


两年前,曾经有机会!但为了将来,选择离开到国外升照。两年后的今天,依然是朋友,依然互相放炸弹,依然有说有笑。但,失去了与对方在一起的时光。 也在两年后的今天,看见一对似情侣又不是情侣的朋友在终点徘徊,犹豫不断…… 真让我看不过眼!一个尝试踏出最后一部,一个害怕而退缩。理由?不知道。 爱情本来是一件很单纯的感觉,但就是有人想太多而不敢去爱。每次说我也不和她一样,可是我总说:“mine de different situation k?”我已讲得不想讲了!如果我没离开,我相信我可以。 给两位朋友的几句话: 把握!千万要把握。对自己好一点,因为人生只有一次;对别人好一点,因为不一定有下次。最后,还是要说“加油”!无论是哪一方,加油

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hope you know, but don't dare to tell! Scared is the reason why... Although it's impossible to achieve the goal without stepping out my first step, but... I'll stay still!